There are various ways for removing duplicate rows from table. In my scenario there are three table which from where I have to delete duplicate rows. All these tables have relation. These tables are-:
Purchase_Rcv -: Keeps information about each purchase receive.
Purchase_RcvDet -: Keeps information about purchased product for each purchase receive
BarcodeDet -: Keeps Barcode Detail for each received product
There is one more table that is -:
POS_STOCK-: As its name exhibits, keeps stock information
So I have to also update stock in this table.
So, to implement this I wrote a select statement which fetches all the rows of table without duplicacy and the query is :
SELECT min(PoRcvDet_Id) as id FROM [Purchase].[vw_PurchaseRcvDet] group by [Product_code]
Here Product_Code is the column on which I want to remove duplicacy. So, I used group by on Product_Code which returns distinct rows based on Product_Code.
I used min() to keep first entry.One can use max() also.
Then I wrote the Delete Command which deletes all rows which are not in the selected rows.
Delete FROM [Purchase].[BarcodeDet]
WHERE fkPoRcvDetId not in
(SELECT min(PoRcvDet_Id) as id FROM [Purchase].[vw_PurchaseRcvDet] group by [Product_code] )
Delete FROM Purchase.Purchase_RcvDet
WHERE PoRcvDet_Id not in
(SELECT min(PoRcvDet_Id) as id FROM [Purchase].[vw_PurchaseRcvDet] group by [Product_code] )
Delete FROM Purchase.Purchase_Rcv
WHERE PoRcv_Id not in
(SELECT min(fkPoRcv_Id) as id FROM [Purchase].[vw_PurchaseRcvDet] group by [Product_code] )
Update Stock--:
SET [Stock] = b.[Qty]
from [Purchase].[Purchase_RcvDet] as b
left outer join [dbo].[POS_STOCK] on b.[fkProductId]=[dbo].[POS_STOCK].[fkProductId]
In my scenario POS_STOCK has same no of rows as in Purchase_RcvDet. Thats why I have used left outer join.